Dr. Lilly: Tips On Dental Emergencies

Lilly Family Dentistry Blog, Your Comfort, Your Health

HERE AT LILLY FAMILY DENTISTRY, WE CARE ABOUT EVERY aspect of your oral health. Unfortunately, no matter how careful all of us are, sometimes life hands us emergencies. We just wanted to touch on dental emergencies for a minute…

Although it may seem minor to you, a dental injury to your teeth or gums should not be ignored as it can be potentially serious—with risk of permanent damage, OR more extensive (and expensive) repair in the future.

Here are some of our thoughts about common dental emergencies:


Rinse with warm water and be sure nothing is lodged. Apply an ice pack to reduce swelling, and call us as soon as possible.

Broken or Chipped Tooth?

Although it may sound gross, save the pieces if you can. Apply gauze pressure if you’re bleeding. See us as soon as possible.

Tooth Knocked Out?

Time is of the essence in saving the tooth. (see video below)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjy1tbgmuN0&fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0]

Dislodged Tooth?

Apply a cold compress to help with pain. Take over-the-counter pain reliever if needed. Call and see us right away.

Something Caught Between Teeth?

Gently try dental floss first, and never use a sharp object. If you can’t dislodge it, call us right away.

Lose A Filling?

Believe it or not, as a temporary measure until you can see us, you can stick a piece of sugarless gum into the hole. Then, get in here!

Lose A Crown?

Come in as soon as possible and bring the crown. In the meantime, slip the crown back in if you can, or use a cotton swab to apply a little clove oil to the sensitive area.

Broken Braces Wires?

If it sticks out and is poking you, try using the eraser end of a pencil to push the wire into a comfortable position. If you can’t, cover it with orthodontic wax or a piece of gauze until you can see us or your orthodontist. Don’t try to cut the wire, as you could end up swallowing it or (worse) breathing it in.

Be careful out there! Wear a mouthguard to prevent injuries! We want you to keep ALL your teeth—FOR LIFE!

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