Mouth-Body Must-Read

Lilly Family Dentistry Blog

We’d like to take a moment to revisit the relationship between your oral health and systemic diseases, particularly diabetes. Why diabetes? Diagnoses are on the increase even among children and young adults. Health professionals tie at least some of this increase to diet and obesity, and it certainly reflects greater knowledge and vigilance on the part of the medical profession. An early diagnosis is always better than a later one, yet one other thing is certain: people with diabetes – especially if it is uncontrolled – are particularly susceptible to infections, including gum disease.

In fact, unmanaged gum disease can increase blood sugar even in non-diabetics, so you can see how this could place diabetics at an increased risk for complications. It goes without saying that diabetics should be monitored regularly for signs of infection.

But they’re not the only ones. Anyone suffering from other inflammatory disease such as heart disease, kidney diseases, arthritis, osteoporosis or its precursor osteopenia, should come in and see us more regularly to avoid gum problems. Gum disease has also been linked to some cancers, Alzheimer’s and complications with pregnancy.

Regular recall appointments help us to monitor your oral health and overall health. We can aid in the early detection and prevention of serious diseases. Early detection of oral cancer is imperative, and we look for signs at every checkup. Making informed choices about diet, tobacco, and alcohol use can help you prevent this disease as well. During regular cleanings we also remove plaque and tartar and can detect instances of infection. With a good home-care regimen of flossing and brushing, you can help prevent disease and ensure a fresh sweet-smelling smile. Our goal is to aid in early detection and prevention of disease, and to help you look and feel your best.

Please keep an eye on your calendar for your upcoming visit to our practice, and if you’re not scheduled, please call us now for an appointment at 712-239-5125 and get you on a regular schedule of health maintenance and monitoring for maximum smile results!