IF YOU ARE SELF-CONSCIOUS about your smile, you may not be getting the most out of life…
The Sahara Desert And Your Mouth??
DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE your mouth and The Sahara Desert have something in common?
Two Very Frequently Asked Questions
“DO YOU SEE CHILDREN HERE?” The answer is “Of course! We love to see young patients…”
Your Teeth Deserve A Summer Vacation Too!
THE SUITCASES ARE PACKED, the car is loaded, the dog is at the kennel – and it’s time for a summer vacation!
How Do I Handle My Child’s Dental Emergency?
WITH CHILDREN UNDERGOING developmental dental changes and engaging in rough-and-tumble activities…
Snoring – It Can Kill You!
NO, WE’RE NOT REFERRING to being strangled in the middle of the night by a severely annoyed spouse or partner, as tempting as that may be!
A Tooth Happy Easter Basket
ACCORDING TO THE NATIONALl Confectioners Association, Americans spend more than $1.5 billion on Easter candy each year…
Spit Won’t Quit!!
NO ONE LIKES TO GET blood taken – it’s just not fun!! But it’s the only way…
A Brief History of Toothpaste
DID YOU KNOW THAT ORAL hygiene was a top priority in society as early as 5000 BC?
Your Teeth Aren’t In Kansas Anymore!!
RECENTLY A FAMOUS celebrity doctor recommended a simple at-home whitening formula…