Slow Down On The Sugar Drinks

Lilly Family Dentistry Blog, Your Health

PEOPLE MAY CALL IT DIFFERENT NAMESsoda, pop, soda pop, soft drinks… But it’s all the same when it comes to the effect on your teeth.

Sugary sodas and drinks have not only served up a portion of the nation’s obesity problems, but the acidic sugar byproducts and acids soften your tooth enamel, which contributes to more cavities. Drs. Lilly also want to remind us that when your tooth enamel gets softer, it makes brushing even harder on your teeth creating an unwanted one/two punch.

What about sugar-free drinks (which only account for around 14% of all soda consumption)? Well, they’re less harmful, but can still cause acidic damage.

The amount of soft drinks we consume in the United States continues to increase dramatically—especially among teenagers and children. The problem is to the point that the American Academy of Pediatrics is now sounding an alarm about the dangers, and suggesting better guidelines for helping children create good beverage habits. Studies show that at least one in five children consumes a minimum of four servings of pop each day! And children are not the only culprits. From teens to adults, soda is sometimes consumed all day long for one reason or another.

So, What Can You Do?

  • Reduce the amount you drink. Seems obvious, right?
  • Find healthy substitutes that you enjoy.
  • Drink more water. It will help take away your cravings for soda.
  • When you do drink soda pop, rinse your mouth with water when you finish.
  • Use fluoride toothpastes and/or mouth rinses.
  • Don’t forget to schedule regular dental checkups to help keep any potential problems under control.

Here at Lilly Family Dentistry, we want to do everything we can to help you keep your beautiful smile for life. If you have questions about different beverages and their effect on your teeth, be sure to ask us. We love talking to you, our valued patients, about your oral health.

And don’t forget to join us on Facebook and Twitter for more discussions about your dental comfort, heatlh, and appearance. We look forward to your next visit!